Mission Statement

The RoSE Network proactively creates an open and inclusive space for multidisciplinary researchers and practitioners of statistics education globally to connect, learn, and collaborate, toward advancing statistics education research and evidence-based practice.


To achieve our mission, RoSE is currently focused on developing:

Community - accessible online spaces (e.g., Slack, social media, eConferences) for multidisciplinary statistics education researchers and practitioners globally to connect

Events - such as our free eConferences and SIG meetings, and local, in-person, Joint Statistics Education Meetings to share and learn with other statistics educators

Research Projects - collaborative, rigorous, and transparent research projects that attempt to close gaps in the statistics education literature, driven by our SIGs


RoSE's core values inform how we operate, how we interact within the community, how we conduct our research, how we share our resources, and what we believe should be present in our statistics classrooms.

To ensure that RoSE meets its commitment to our values, we ask that our members and those engaging with RoSE events read and adhere to our code of conduct.