The RoSE Network began in 2019 as a small group of PhD psychology researchers in the UK who were exploring topics aligned with statistics education. We were not affiliated with labs and there were no others studying the topic in our departments. RoSE became a way of connecting with others in our field, providing an additional layer of professional and personal support. 

In 2021, recognising there were others in the same situation, we decided to open up the Network and our fledgling group started to develop into a larger, but still informal Slack group. We ran lab meetings and tried out a few other initiatives, but by the end of the year our founding members were finishing PhDs and moving on in new professional and research directions... and, of course, we were in the middle of a pandemic!

RoSE was quiet for a while, but the summer of 2022 saw the induction of a new leadership team and the regeneration of RoSE began. Since then, we have been busy building our infrastructure and hosting bigger and better events, such as the RoSE 2023 International eConference

In 2023, we focussed on expanding and diversifying our global membership base and committee to help us achieve our core goals. Our general committee now has 26 members from 9 countries who are ready to develop new, exciting statistics education research initiatives across the world!

We express our sincere gratitude to Dr Elizabeth Collins, Dr Madeleine Pownall, and Martina Sladekova for their contributions to the RoSE Network in their roles as founding members.